Join an iO Leadership Group Coaching Journey with Leaders Like You
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Next group starts in Late 2022.
Exact Dates TBD
Leadership Training for the Digital Age
The best leaders in the world lead themselves to higher levels by calibrating support and challenge to themselves and their teams. We call them 100X Leaders. Leaders who are moving towards 100% health and who have learned how to multiply what they know to those they lead.
To explain this, we use the metaphor of a Sherpa on Mt. Everest. The Sherpa people have a genetic predisposition to higher altitudes which means they can climb higher and longer than normal climbers. They actually have the ability to lead themselves and others up the mountain.
This is what defines a leader — doing their work while helping others do theirs for the benefit of all.
Who Is This Journey For?
As with anything worthwhile in life, this journey takes commitment and dedication. It is not for everyone, but if you are serious about learning more about yourself and how to increase your influence and impact on those in your circle of influence, this journey will take you in that direction.
Here’s What You’ll Receive When You Commit to an iO Leadership Group
Becoming a 100X (more about 100X below) Leader is the goal of our iO Leadership Groups. We leverage the model of Sherpa Training from GiANT. This is a weekly learning system mixed with practical tools to help you achieve higher levels of performance, self-awareness, and practical solutions to the real world issues you face.
This intentional 12-month+ process is designed to help you be the best leader you can be in each circle of influence in your life. Here’s how.
What Past iO Leadership Group Members Are Saying
Benefits of Being a Part of an iO Leadership Group

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Next group starts in late 2022.
Exact Dates TBD
Application Process