Helping leaders build great work cultures that positively impact generations
Intentionally liberate people with a new kind of leadership
@Home @Work @Life

All leadership challenges today are rooted in the following five key areas.
Most teams are functioning at
only 58% of their potential

Build a foundation of trust
Use the Influence Model to establish psychological safety, build trust, and create healthy working relationships with others.

Get everyone on the same page
Use the Organizational Clarity Canvas to establish a clear vision, create alignment, and work towards the same goal.

Maximize your performance and results
Use our execution tools to establish a strong personal and team workflow to ensure everyone on the team is executing effectively.

Intentionally develop others
Use the Developing Others Roadmap to establish a clear plan for developing skills, preventing burnout, and maximizing resources for growth.

Create a culture people want to work and contribute their skills
From the Great Resignation...
to the Great Reshuffle...
to Quiet Quitting...
to the Great Escape.
Everyone speaks...
but not everyone is heard.
Is YOUR Culture Sabotaging YOUR Vision?
GiANT Tools Are Trusted by Individuals and Organizations to Bring Transformation and Growth Through Scalable People Development

Leadership Language
Common, objective, and viral

Visual Tools
Simple, practical, and scalable

Personal growth and team performance

Intentional Multiplication
Inform, Train, Coach, and Apprentice
GiANT Tools Are Trusted in 117+ countries:

Start Today on Your 3-Steps to Unlocking Your Leadership
Becoming intentional in your leadership @home @work @life.
Step 1 - Discover Your Leadership Voice
Everyone has a leadership voice, whether they know it or not. From the quietest to the most gregarious, we all have the ability to lead others.
The 5 Voices is designed to help every individual discover their leadership voice and be empowered to use it effectively. We believe teams and whole organizations can be transformed when everyone operates securely in their own voice and learns to value the voices of others.
Step 2 - Schedule Your Free Leadership Culture Assessment
This free one-hour meeting is a guided conversation that not only determines if we are a good fit for your needs, but it also leaves you with more clarity about your current reality and some insight into the direction you need to focus to create a healthy, thriving leadership culture.
Step 3 - Unleash the Potential
By taking the steps to become an intentional leader who fights for the highest possible good of others to unlock their potential, you will create a culture where people thrive, teams flourish, and generations are impacted for good.