Unlock the Potential of Your Teams

Over the past seven years, we have assessed the performance of thousands of teams. Most teams are only achieving about half of their potential.

Team Performance

The average team score across every organization is 58 out of 100.

Voices Not Heard

Most team members don't feel their voices are heard.

A higher team invincibility score leads to a better culture, higher trust, clearer goals, increased focus, and the ability to reach more of your team’s potential.

After working with thousands of teams, the average team scores 58 out of 100 on the team invincibility assessment. Imagine the growth if you could increase the score of every team in your organization.

High performing team

Solution: The GiANT Operating System

After working with Fortune 500 companies, best-in-class brands, governments, and thousands of small and medium-sized businesses and non-profits in over 117 countries, we have discovered how to unlock the potential of people in any organization.

It’s not magic. In fact, it is a simple and straightforward formula.

  • Assess the organization to discover growth opportunities.
  • Teach high-impact visual tools that are easy to understand and implement in the organization.
  • Follow a continuous process of assessment and training so that everyone is involved and nothing is left to chance.

With a thorough assessment, practical tools, and a continuous process, you are ready to take your organization to the next level.


The Assessment is how we discover the current performance of your teams and organization. This provides a clear focus.


The Toolkit is a collection of over 60 visual tools that provide a common language and profound insights to improve your lowest scores.


The Process is the annual rhythm we use to make sure everyone is getting the right experience at the right time to improve your teams.

GiANT Tools Are Trusted In 117+ Countries: