3 CORE Strengths of a Human Intelligent Leader

Steve Perky

minute read

As we trek further into the Digital Age where algorithms and artificial intelligence garner attention and even shape our daily lives, leaders must be intentional in developing their human intelligence in order to have influence and effectively lead others. This human intelligence is what we call the CORE of a healthy leader.

Athletes understand their core is the foundation of their strength. The muscles in the core of our body consist of the abdominal muscles, obliques, back muscles, and pelvic-floor muscles. These muscles help increase your balance and stability and make it easier to do physical activities.

In short, the body's core literally affects every part of the body.

In the same manner, the CORE of a leader affects every part of their influence at home, at work, and at life.

Measuring the Leader's CORE

We often hear the term IQ, or intelligence quotient, but what is "quotient?" Miriam Webster's definition is appropriate here, "the magnitude of a specified characteristic or quality." In the image above, you will notice each area is identified by two letters, with each letter ending in Q for quotient. This indicates that area is the measure of that "characteristic or quality." Each of the three areas is a level of human intelligence, so we refer to each area as its specific intelligence specialty.

Just like athletes work on building a strong core in their body, leaders must work on their human intelligence CORE, which consists of three key areas.

IQ: Skills Intelligence

The intelligence area that society had been most familiar with is IQ, or intelligence quotient. This is the leader's Skills Intelligence and not an overall indication of the leader's intelligence.

Skills Intelligence (IQ) is the ability to know what skills are really needed for your job: what competency and what technical skills. This is focused more on your IQ and your ability to be task-aware and knowing what you need to do in your job to be amazing.

Unfortunately, this is the one area where a lot of people try to build their influence. They gain certifications and educational letters behind their name. However, if this is the sole focus and they have really low PQ and EQ, then they lose influence because they come across as a know-it-all, and other people don't want to be around them, let alone work for them.

PQ: Personality Intelligence

Personality Quotient (PQ) is the leader's Personality Intelligence.

Leaders with a high PQ are leaders who have a healthy level of self-awareness. They know themselves very well. Having a high PQ requires an understanding of one's own personality, own tendencies, and own patterns of behavior.

Those with a low PQ don't understand the actions they do that cause negative consequences. So, they do the same things and lead the same way expecting different results. They simply don't lead themselves very well.

Having a strong PQ is really the centerpiece of building a strong CORE. When you know yourself and your tendencies, you can then begin to lead yourself, which then expands your influence.

EQ: Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Quotient (EQ) is the leader's Emotional Intelligence.

A lot is being written these days about the reality that leaders today must learn to lead with Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Simply put, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is being others-aware. Typically, a strong PQ builds a stronger EQ. This leads to becoming an empathetic leader who knows your team and what each individual needs in order to grow. This leads to you having more influence.

Human Intelligence

The Human Intelligent Leader is someone who is really put together at the intersection of those three: PQ, EQ, and IQ. When you combine all three of these, your influence goes up dramatically.

The reality is most of us don't have each of these areas built out. Some of the circles are smaller.

As you look at this tool, analyze where you are right now. How strong are each of your circles?

Where are you right now?

Here at Digital Age Leader, we use proven tools from GiANT Worldwide that help strengthen your leadership CORE. If you are interested check out our solutions for individuals and organizations. If you have questions or would like to discuss more personalize options, you may schedule your free leadership audit. Each of these is found in the main menu above.  

We have a new Leadership Training Cohort starting in February of 2023. Click here to learn more.